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1mm BASE Kingpin bushings for ALL Spring Trucks x8

1mm BASE Kingpin bushings for ALL Spring Trucks x8

To ensure absolute precision and to bridge any issues of engineering tolerance's, Trampa has released 2 types of plastic bushing to make the king pin fit as accurately as it should..... One bushing has a base of 2mm whilst the other has a base of 2.5mm. Seeing as each truck has 4 bushings this .5mm difference allows the maker to bridge a maximum of a 2mm tollerance, more than whats measured on the product. Set includes 4 x 2mm bushings 4 x 2.5mm bushing

Kingpin bushings 1mm Base for Spring Trucks
8 x 2mm BASE Kingpin bushings for ALL Spring Trucks
These NYLON Kingpin bushings are Housed within the holes of the Baseplate & Hanger
The bushings allow the kingpin to move freely when the Truck is constructed.
Made with slightly different thickness base's which helps to bridge any tolerance issues in the construction of the truck. These special Nylon Bushings are produced using Food Industry Standard materials (the best possible!) & ensure maximum durability.
A little spray of WD40 will help the kingpin glide through the bushings and truck parts holding everything in position....
To maintain maximum performance of your equipment check these bushings on a regular basis and replace them if the look tired or worn out
Weight: 4g
Quantity required:
RRP £4 - per set of 8

Excluding VAT
HCC: 8714929000

Approx price :
To see shipping prices delivered to your door please create an account and be logged into the system, so the system knows where you are and how much to quote you......

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